Whitman Coin Folders
Whitman Folders
Whitman coin folders are among the best in the industry. Whitman has only strengthened its reputation for attention to detail and quality manufacturing since opening its doors over 70 years ago. Whitman folders are available for all of the most popular coin collection configurations. A Whitman folder contains mintage statistics and other details about the individual coins it holds and the outer jackets are impeccably designed.
Whitman Coin Folders
Whitman coin folders have been a part of coin collecting since the 1930s. Whitman also offers commemorative coin boards, much like the ones that helped to bring coin collecting into American households. Whether you are looking for Roosevelt dime folders, Indian cent folders, Jefferson nickel folders, or any other type of Whitman folders, we have what you need.
At WizardCoinSupply.com, our price matching guarantee ensures that you will never pay more for Whitman folders or any other coin collection supplies when you shop with us. If you have any questions about our Whitman products, please do not hesitate to contact us.