HE Harris
HE Harris National Park Quarters Frosty Case - Canyon/Desert Stone - 2-hole, 2x3
HE Harris National Park Quarters Frosty Case - Meadow - 2-hole, 2x3
Harris Coin Albums
Harris coin albums have been a staple in the coin collection industry since H.E. Harris first introduced them in 1916. Harris coin albums are available for a wide variety of denominations and years and WizardCoinSupply.com has them all at discount prices. Mr. Harris understood from an early age that coin collecting had three primary levels of value: educational, historical, and financial.
Every successful coin collector understands the principles of value espoused by H.E. Harris. As a result, Harris coin albums and Harris coin folders have been favorites of collectors since the early 20th century.
Harris Coin Folders
Harris coin folders can be great educational tools for novice coin collectors and for experienced coin collectors who are teaching their craft. Although Harris has recently merged with Whitman coin supplies, the quality and craftsmanship behind the Harris brand lives on.