HE Harris Deluxe Graded Currency Pages
Premium Graded Currency Album Refill Pages for PMG Graded Notes (does not fit PCGS Currency graded notes). 10 Pack. Clear view pages allow viewing of both sides of each note. Allows viewing of 2 large or small notes per page.
Note: Harris has manufactured these pages with two slightly different configurtions. The outer dimensions are consistent and what is noted below. The pockets, however, on the version they are currently distributing are slightly smaller than the other version. The pockets are 8.5 x 4.25 inches with the middle partition between the pages being 1.375 inches wide. The other version has a narrower middle partition which makes the pockets a little larger. Be sure to compare these dimensions to the notes you intend to put in the pages. Also compare to pages in your existing album if you are adding these pages to an album that already has some graded currency pages and you want them all to match exactly.
Pocket Size: 8.5 x 4.25 inches